The importance of this simple yet crucial signature / process marking on documents cannot be more emphasised. Stamping of all business documents according to key processes is essential and have a significance in terms of validity and assurance in information control. The power of these stamps on received or processed documents has been proved time and again and can become key evidence during dispute resolution and law cases. These stamps can either be procured off the shelf from any stationary agency or be specifically designed and company branded at a small cost. Herewith listed some important stamps that is used daily in most businesses.
Time and date stamps

The received stamp is an excellent way of monitoring when paperwork has come into the office. Design a branded rubber stamp for all incoming correspondence, drawings and communication that is stamped by the company / project secretary at a centralized location. It is also useful that the stamps reflect the time (time is money after all) as it becomes quite useful when resolving conflicting correspondence and dispute resolution.
Distribution stamp

The distribution stamp is good method for a Project Manager to briefly review incoming correspondence and immediately assign the action or copy to his relevant team members (by ticking the applicable box next to their initials). Once stamped and marked the secretary is responsible for the distribution and filing thereof. This way the PM has control of all information and certain the correct communication flow is applied without time being wasted. In addition all distributed correspondence actions can later easily be tracked, followed or discussed with the accountable team member.