Claims structure:
- Introduction
- Relevant conditions of contract
- Chronology of events
- Cause & effect (impacted programme)
- Contractors contentions (Heads of Claim)
- Quantification of time and money
- Conclusion
Contemporary Records to Substantiate the Claim (Clause 20.1 paragraph 4) - Must be agreed and signed off and can include the following;
Techniques to turn information into knowledge:
Showing the link between Cause and Effect:
Heads of Claims
Contemporary Records to Substantiate the Claim (Clause 20.1 paragraph 4) - Must be agreed and signed off and can include the following;
- Letters - Formal, Site Notes, E mails (60% plus of all communications are via informal uncontrolled unshared email)
- Meeting Minutes
- Progress Reports
- Daily Diaries
- Labour Returns
- Sub-Contract Records
- Special Records
Techniques to turn information into knowledge:
- Chronologies of events
- Cause and Effect Matrix
- Retrospective Delay Analysis
Showing the link between Cause and Effect:
- Concurrent Delays 1) Dominant Cause 2) Malmaison Approach
- Float
Heads of Claims
- Extension of Time
- Indirect Costs - Cost or Cost plus Profit
- Direct costs - Cost or Cost Plus Profit
- Head office overheads
- Acceleration costs 1) Instructed 2) Constructive Acceleration 3) Agreed
- Disruption costs
- Variation and change
- Loss of Profit
- Interest
- Consultant Cost
- Claim formulation costs